Secret russian smersh book known alien races

The secrets of the russians contact with aliens that was guarded by the kgb. These words bring up images of little green men, flying saucers, and a funky little alien with heartburn. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from jfk and ufos to 911. The book s secret alien races is one of the most controversial documents originating from the period when russia was dominated by communism. The alien race book fascinating reading educating humanity. Jan 10, 2012 the tone throughout is neutral and professional with no nothing of the embellishments common in popular history.

I will continue keeping my notes and i do recommend you do the same. Secret russian book of alien races and councils pdf reddit. I took a look at the alien types in that book and one of them looked familiar. It is full of pictures of the various alien races here on earth, where they came from and why they are here. The ussr, throughout history, has been a treasure trove of information on ets and their craft. Agharians or aghartians a group of asiatic or nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with otherplanetary systems up until current times. The information contained within is so mindblowing and yet detailed that it is hard to believe it was all made up. By simply intended audiences for vladim birsteins smirsh are academics, specifically professional historians with an interest in soviet or more particularly soviet. Smersh counterintelligence service was built by the red army at the end of 1942 or perhaps even earlier, but officially.

I have red many many books since i was 15 years old. This book has been taken down from the internet, the best way to view this book it to download the alien race book as a pdf file. It was apparently given to a few goverment agents as a kind of a notebook and they added stuff to it over the time. Birstein takes pains to point out, the present russian government seems intent on whitewashing stalins atrocities and the history of the soviet security services. The story is, stalin created the smersh in russia, a precursor to the kgb and what have we, the smersh came into possesion of a book, in this book were the origins and names and basic characteristics of known alien races and how and why they interacted secret russian smersh book, known alien races. For a really interesting read, you can download a free copy of the russian secret alien races book in english in pdf form here. That book described 8 eight kinds of aliens and it had drawings as illustrations of the beings and ufos.

Is the russian book about aliens that was given to top smersh. Ufos, kgb, and the russian blue book damn interesting. This is the alien race book by dante santori and his friend. For years, we have heard about the secret blue book the government kept, logging all its information about ufos and related material. It was later found in the addict of a former kgb agent. Dec 03, 2017 the books secret alien races is one of the most controversial documents originating from the period when russia was dominated by communism. Lots of pics of ets, ships and government programs. Dante santori, a former special forces sergeant from europe, translated a secret book about aliens from russian to english, capturing the minds of many believers in extraterrestrial life in the process.

The first edition of the book was published in 1946 and was designed to inform the secret agents of the various alien races who had visited our planet until that time. Death to spies, is primarily known to readers as james bonds sinister opponent in ian flemings novels. It is a fictionalised version of smersh, which existed from 1943 to 1946. Full text of the translated russian secret book of alien. All credits goes to dante and petro thank you so much for sharing this with us soon i will have this in spanish, send me a message if you wanna get it.

Alien races secret russian book by petro written by dante santori in 2004, i became friends with an ukrainian guy called petro that i met completely randomly at a bar by the beachi was on holidays and he was there with some friends having some drinks. The book is titled, introduction to the alien races book. The alien races book or arb published on august 20 20 from some more extensive original notes, can be read here. This book still exists, it is used and is supplemented by socalled russian. Arb the alien races book pdf unhypnotize community forum. Possibly one of the most revealing and controversial documents originating from. The russian secret book alien races archives kgb published on january 24, 2020 march 12, 2020 in alien science space ufo unexplained smersh counterintelligence service was officially founded by josef stalin in 1943. They have the fastest ships of any known alien race. Smersh is a soviet counterintelligence agency featured in ian flemings early james bond novels as agent 007s nemesis. The book is believed to have been written around 194647, with constant additions and revisions over the years. I have seen a alien spaceship and i do believe we are not alone in this vast universe. Here, enters the story of the italian dante santori who met the son petro of the diplomat. Russian secret alien races book pdf download with images. The alien races russian secret book digitalbook reptilians.

Ever since the book of alien races was translated from russian into english by dante santori, a former special forces sergeant from europe, this secret book has created a major stir among researchers. They were the race that started the stories about fairies, 2 alien races claim that they have abducted over 10 million humans throughout history that number is highly disputed by 2 other races. The story is, stalin created the smersh in russia, a precursor to the kgb and what have we, the smersh came into possesion of a book, in this book were the origins and names and basic characteristics of known alien races and how and why they interacted. Above all else, we respect everyones opinions and all religious beliefs and creeds. They have the goal of colonizing earth,that has not happened because of protection from other alien races, such as the ones in the council of the 5. Complete kgb agent record of alien races leaked youtube. Mar 09, 2014 red shaman intergalactic ascension mission 20072015 indian in the machine blog. Lavrentiy pavlovich beria was a soviet politician, marshal of the soviet union and state security administrator, chief of the soviet security and secret police. Secret russian book from 194647 speaks of 58 alien races, page 1. It is apparently a book for smersh agents of the old soviet union. Smersh counterintelligence service was officially founded by josef stalin in 1943. Secret russian book from 194647 speaks of 58 alien races. Nov 12, 2016 the book is believed to have been written around 194647, with constant additions and revisions over the years.

Smert shpionam, smert spionam, meaning death to spies. In 2004, i became friends with an ukrainian guy called petro that i met completely randomly at a bar by the beachi was on holidays and he was there with some friends having some drinks. Nov 27, 20 found this interesting online book about alien races here on earth. The main reason for its creation was to subvert the attempts by german forces to. There is no evidence in public about all those races but. In january, 1947, a small book containing a description of aliens was given to the top smersh agents. The fate that befell raoul wallenberg became the biggest and most protracted individual case dealt with by the swedish ministry for foreign affairs.

The russian secret book alien races archives kgb alien news. Leaked russian military guide to 58 alien races english. Nov 03, 2016 smersh counterintelligence service was built by the red army at the end of 1942 or perhaps even earlier, but officially founded on april 14, 1943. One of the stages used by pope francis i jorge mario bergoglio during his visit to brazil in july 20. This book described eight kinds of aliens and contained drawings and illustrations beings and ufos. I would take this book or any et related book for that matter more seriously if the author sprang for a decent artist to draw the aliens as artist renditions i mean a real artist too, not just someones random colored pencil drawings, not just take pictures stolen from the internet, tv shows, and video games. Stalins secret weapon has won the inaugural st ermins hotel intelligence book of the year award 2012. The washington times, feb 28, 2012 vadim birsteins smersh. Visited earth for the first time during the prehistoric period date unknown. Some will believe this, some will not, but this astonishingly book leaked from the russian military is a shocking guide to the alien races that surround us, and are already interacting with us. The claim is that it was given to government agents for them to add their information to it. And this is mordin solus a character from mass effect video game series who the picture reminded me of.

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